Assessing the Energy Access Space in Afghanistan and Developing an Energy Access Programme (2018-19) funded by International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group
The objective of the project is to evaluate the potential to develop energy access programme using renewable energy sources, focusing on two market sectors- solar lighting devices and solar hot water systems. Specific objective was to develop a functioning market for supply, after-sales service, and financing for such systems for the electrification of off-grid areas in Afghanistan. ITPI executed 3 broad tasks under this assignment- (1) Assessment of the supply side through Key Informant Interviews covering SHS providers, micro-finance institutions, pay-As-You-Go & telecom companies. Scope also included stakeholder mapping, review of past 10 years’ projects for lessons and best practices, review of regulatory and policy space; (2) Assessment of the consumer side of the market for off-grid solar lighting (lanterns and SHS) and SWH though survey of 1600 households. Scope included designing of research study, supervising the survey, data analysis and reporting; and (3) Development of a preliminary ‘Concept Note’ on IFC’s entry strategy for ‘Lighting Afghanistan’ market.