Consultancy for renewable energy project: 1 mini hydro plant under Afghanistan Sustainable Energy and Rural Development (ASERD) Programme (2016-2017) funded by United Nations Development Programme
The objective of this project was to develop preliminary engineering designs for one MHP mini-grid with distribution network, detailed project report (DPR), project specific tariff model, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan and the full contractual documentation for building the site using an EPC contract and recruiting a supervising engineer under ASERD Programme for Shemol village at Dara-e-Noor District, Afghanistan. Scope of work included- (i) Site survey, (ii) Preliminary technical designs for MHP implementation, (iii) Development of a project specific tariff model, (iv) Producing a simple monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan, (v) Preparation of detailed project report (DPR), (vi) Producing bid document for recruiting the EPC contractor and supervising engineer for supporting bid evaluation, supervision, commissioning & testing and warranty period follow-up; and finally (vii) Conducing half-day workshop to present all the designs, documents etc. to MRRD and UNDP team.