Deploying energy efficiency and distributed solar in the public buildings sector Project, Uzbekistan (2019-2020) funded by The World Bank
The objective of this assignment was to reform the energy sector in Uzbekistan through scaling up the implementation of EE and distributed solar in public buildings. Specific objectives were to estimate the EE and rooftop solar potential and its viable applications in public buildings, both technically and financially; estimate investment needs and propose mechanisms to scale up investments. Activities undertaken by ITPI included:- (i) Site visits and walk-through audits for quick assessment of EE and rooftop solar potential in 100 selected public buildings; (ii) Review of international best practices and experiences in rooftop solar and EE business models and customise them to Uzbekistan context; (iii) Analysis of legal, institutional and regulatory barriers to deployment of EE measures and distributed solar; (iv) Integrated economic & financial assessment of EE and rooftop solar; (v) Quantification of likely benefits from EE and rooftop solar investment in terms of creation of jobs, targeted benefits to specific industries, financial and economic cost-savings, forex earnings, GHG emission reductions; and (vi) Conduct stakeholder workshops and report preparation.