Market Mapping – Energy Efficiency and Water Efficiency Sectors in India (2019) funded by CDC Group plc UK
CDC Group is considering the potential setup of a funded risk sharing facility with a non-banking financial company (NBFC) based in India. It commissioned a market mapping exercise of the energy efficiency & water efficiency markets in India to better understand the market potential, regulatory restrictions, existing market players and any challenges these target sectors currently face. Scope of work included: (i) Identification of sectoral opportunities and underlying subsectors, individual companies, SME clusters that could benefit from the facility; (ii) Assessment of regulatory challenges of these markets; (iii) Mapping of current service/technology providers, their business models and sectors / subsectors serviced; (iv) Assessment of available financing schemes for funding EE and WE project; (v) Identification of existing lenders and the size, tenor and pricing of their loans. In addition to that, ITP also assessed the challenges and way forward for EE and WE market growth.