IT Power Pvt. Ltd. offers training and capacity building services in the area of renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, clean energy access and climate change. We design and deliver training programme customized to the needs of target audience. In addition, we also conduct thematic study tours within India and overseas in association with our Group companies. Our capacity building programmes include project design and operation & maintenance requirements, survey tools and techniques, stakeholder mapping and capacity needs assessment, and monitoring of projects in aforementioned areas. We also provide training on building energy simulation and renewable energy optimisation software.
Some of our training and capacity building services include:
- System design and O&M of small scale solar PV systems
- Enterprise development and business models for mini-grids
- Economic and financial analysis of DRE (Distributed Renewable Energy) systems
- National, regional and global study tours
- Training on optimisation and simulation tools and software (PVsyst, HOMER, DesignBuilder)
IT Power’s renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean energy access and climate change consulting services range is comprehensive. In addition to our training and capacity building services, we also offer:
For a list of our recent training and capacity building projects, check below;
- Training on Design, upkeep and maintenance of solar photovoltaic power plant (2017) funded by Assam Energy Development Agency (AEDA), India
- Promoting the use of DesignBuilder software in India for energy efficient buildings (2015-ongoing)
Contact us for more details of how we can tailor our training services to your renewable energy and climate change project.